Commercial ski-boat fisherman


New member
Hi to all,

I would like to find out what kind of salary would a commercial ski-boat fisherman make a month, and what other costs are involved. This is without chartering guests, any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.


Senior Member
Being a commercial fisherman would certainly not be my first choice for an occupation.I much prefer to choose the nice days to fish/dive and still enjoy what I do.I think that if I had to fish day in and day out in crappy conditions the enjoyment would disappear.

Saying that some guys love it and have made a lot of money (I said some...)


New member
So most of the ski-boat fisherman do a variety of things like diving, chartering guests and fishing. Roryf I see you from Scottburgh, I used to go fishing with Joe (boat was Gilcraft)about 20 years back and launch from Rocky Bay, Scotty Smith was overseeing things then.