Casting with a Kp reel


Hi Guys im new to fishing with a 5'' KP reel which i like to learn, does one put leader line on the reel say on 15/20lb mainline to trace?


New member
Hi...KPs are a lekker challenge to cast, but offer really good experience when fighting fish because of the no-drag setup. Yes, by all means put on a leader. It will help you load the rod a little more when you cast than just your mainline because of the combination of sinker and bait weight. It will also allow abrasion tolerance when fishing in rocky spots. Make sure you wind 3 or 4, possibly a little longer depending on personal preference, times around the reel when joining your leader, and make sure it is long enough to hang long enough off the rod to allow you to give it a good strong throw.


Thank you Kosi yes really like fishing with this reel I've only fished on the bay of a boat with it but got a 3kg kingy and a lot of snapper kob and juvenile grunter, absolute fun fighting fish on it, what leader knot should I use seeing this guides on the rod are small


New member
A Bimini knot would be your best and strongest, but there are a few others that are a lot simpler and quicker, and almost as strong. I use a knot that I don't know what it's called, but it is strong and I use it for all my fishing, even bronzies. I'll see if I can find a YouTube video. In the meantime, browse YouTube. There are a lot of knot instructional videos that are good. A Double Uni-Knot is a good starter, very similar to what I use.
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