I swear someone in DAFF has started reading this forum! LOL It's like my wishes are slowly being granted.. Slot limits also are making their first appearances for our sensitive species in the new limits they are trailing in the permits for locals staying within MPA's, as well as reduced limits..So if they are experimenting with them there it is only a mater of time till it trickles down to recreational limits. Now if they can just start policing the fisheries, I've been checked for my license once in my life and my catch has never been looked at!
If the limits they are trialing are anything to go by, soon it will be illegal to kill a fish that the greenies get upset about
No slot limits trialed for cob nor leervis yet but for black cracker trialed slot is between 50and 70cm and for white cracker trialed slot is between 60 and 80cm. Of the above four fish there is a limit of one a day implemented in the trailed limits and white and red steenbras and shark/ray etc. are no-take. Which is also a bit silly sharkwise as just up the drag someone has a license to longline them right inshore, just off the famous surfspots, but out the mpas. But ja if I look into the future, I see not too far away a time when you will get prosecuted for catching and killing a quagga cob or 30lb breeding leervis. Most large predators were similarly collapsed off the east coast of the states and 20 odd years back very strict limits got imposed and today the fisheries have recovered. There are still slots inplace for many fish and so you are still not even allowed to take out the water for a photo like large tarpon or goliath grouper..But no-one minds the regulations as there is now a culture of catch and release there and the stocks have recovered so well that no ones who fishes goes hungry. Our fisheries are a jokes compared mostly, fished into their chops..Some are stable but way lower than what they should be, some are slowly increasing, all are way below where they should be I think without exception for maybe chokka and sardine that has been allowed to bounce back..They even still are nowhere near unfished levels.