Hi Guys, Ok here is the up date on Rietvlei Farm .
On our Arival @ 07h30 we Paid the entrance fee and proceeded to the Bass area.
We played with different lures for about an hour when my mate caugt a aprox 300 Gram Bass.
I had a few Quick Bites but pulled nothing, At aprox 12h30 I pulled my first bass, but what a dissapiontment , It was the size on a baby Sardine,
This continued the hole day , and after about 25 of these small baby size jopies i dicided enough is enough. So i proceeded to the Troud Area.
And jip again the small Bass realy started to com out. Al the size of my middle Finger.
At the end of the day i ended up with around 45 - 2-3 Inch Bass, Eish.
Im going to blou pan This Comming Sunday to see if i can at least cach one decent Size Fish. I need a good reel run soon as im tired of small fish that just waste one time.
Any Sugestions on bloupan will be apreciated.
Thanks Guys
Fanie Lindeque.