20 Kabeljou at Blakes last night


New member
I should say that I'm usually a passive observer around here.

But they all look undersize... and you are way over quota?!

How did you think that was a good idea? sad to see this actually.


I am sorry but if you know the min size and not the quota someone is lying.

What is the size you used?


New member
Have sent Donovan an email to ask him to delete his post...

I do not know him - just noticed that his email address was available on his profile... so I thought I would ask him nicely...


New member
Sorry Guys, They where between 50cm and 60cm... I honestly did not know thw bag limit, I do apologize but now I know for the future... sincere apologies.
Ja those aren't..but well done for realizing your error and apologizing. Hope you don't get any legal flack as ignorance doesn't protect you from prosecution...but anyways..

One has to remember that it takes thousands of cob double this size, to release as much eggs as one 30kg+ mamma. And the species is has collapsed/is collapsing and unless we change our ways our kids are going to be like, "Pa wats a kabeljou?". So as much as what you did is bad and not lawful, its damage to stocks is nothing compared to the large fish that are kept for sale or fillet. That said, if everyone were to be keeping the little ones in the numbers you did, there would be none growing up to breeding size, and if none of those would make it then none would eventually get to the size that really counts to the stock.

All that said, if you target a species, according to your license you have to prior know its limits including size and season limits. You can eat like a king within these restrictions, the last fish I filleted was by no means breeding stock and I reckon the mass of its' fillets vacuumed in my freezer is probably more than you got off all those cob.

Fish for the future..welcome also haha..what a way to make friends, in future send those fish back swimming, keep the largest two in size and send those larger than 1m back also if you can. That way you ensure more for your future fishing, if we all did that things would be very different.


New member
It it sad when these "mistakes" are publicly posted, as it gives over-emotional greenies a huge stuck to beat us with! We have an environmental and social responsibility as anglers to abide by the regulations, laws and bag-limits to ensure the sustainability of this fantastic sport for our children and their children etc. As with all laws, regulations etc. ignorance is never accepted as an feasible excuse under any circumstance. We need to better educate ourselves completely when it comes to any sport or hobby, so that we can participate ethically within the law. I hope this it doesn't sound like I am preaching from a pedestal, as we all make mistakes and nobody is perfect, in fact my son and I also exceeded the Kob bag limit when I was younger and didn't know the bag-limits. We now try our best to properly CAR everything we are blessed enough to catch. Lets all learn from this unfortunate mistake.


But aside from regulations, fish for the future within your own limits..The legal limits are the same for geelbek as they are for leervis, but the stocks are not in the same shape nor have similar biomasses at all. We keep 2 bek and put all the leeries back unless gill-hooked and bleeding profusely. I'll keep one cob, maybe and if its obviously a dusky it goes back. If we get stuck into the babies with every bait, we go somewhere else and look for the bigger fish.

The legal limits on some pelagics are rather high and although I've been eating off my freezer all winter the only fish I hit a limit on was katonkel adn the last few ended up being chow for the pack rather. Although higher than they could be to still keep everyone fed and happy and limit the recre'mmercialism, these are not unsustainable limits as they stand when you take commercial harvest into account. There is only also one "sort-of" slot limit which still allows large fish to be caught but it is really up to us to realize the value in putting the trophy fish back to live another day and keep those babies coming and implementing our personal slot limits for each species we target. My 6kg shad I'm yet to land will go back swimming as much as I can help it. My biggest leerie is still out there. Shame I've kept slow growing breams I shouldn't have, within my limits but not good fish to take for the stocks sake..My fishing mates explained the errors or my ways and the next I get of those go back..Even after explaining on here how the fish eating redbait will taste of redbait and should go back (except gallies haha), the next fish I caught, on red bait was a steenbras of size and I should have put it back but I kept it. The whole time as I ate it I could taste what he'd been eating on, mussels, prawn/crab,,,,,redbait..The whole time just to remind me of what a d@@s I was there was an overwhelming rich flavour of redbait. The guys I promised a fish braai to were over the moon with their first steenie to savour and thought it was delicious but I knew better. I took the gamble and lost. I couldn't tell them that it tasted like crap and the previous one was like a crayfish icecream! Felt bad for the fish I'd killed, was a bit disrespectful. Next one I owe it to them to put back regardless of size.

On the same account of slow growing breams even my blacktails go back now, thing is, I've never eaten so much seafood so I must be doing something right!

Live and learn..;)


New member
Nice Donovan ! tonight and for the rest of the week there gonna be no parking near blakes .. the" wader brigade "gonna wade in and they to gonna take 20 per man
Ja that too. The culture of SA fishermen is the death of forums, not greenies. We have turned our fish into such a scarce resource and when we hear of a run we decend like vultures and clean em up so no-one, wants to post any details or catches if they want to go back and enjoy the place again. Might Daff pull in too and keep a watchful eye?


I have no words for this thread,simply mindboggling...people like this not knowing the rules and quotas of fishing shouldn't be allowed to hold a bloody rod,let alone be allowed to fish....
Dr halibut hoffman wrote:
Ja that too. The culture of SA fishermen is the death of forums, not greenies. We have turned our fish into such a scarce resource and when we hear of a run we decend like vultures and clean em up so no-one, wants to post any details or catches if they want to go back and enjoy the place again. Might Daff pull in too and keep a watchful eye?
That is very true,they simply don't post because we'll have incidents like this with morons not knowing what they're doing.


Dr halibut hoffman wrote:
Ja that too. The culture of SA fishermen is the death of forums, not greenies. We have turned our fish into such a scarce resource and when we hear of a run we decend like vultures and clean em up so no-one, wants to post any details or catches if they want to go back and enjoy the place again. Might Daff pull in too and keep a watchful eye?

DAFF+After hours...You must be joking right?