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    Fishing Kite

    hi im looking for a fishing kite any one know where i can get one locally im from Guateng
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    hi guys haven't been on the site for a while. is t

    hi guys haven't been on the site for a while. is there any one that did some kite fishing at sodwana bay and what was it like.
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    need some advise

    hi guys i hope this in the right section. i need some advise on a good fish finder that is not to expensive to be used on a inflatable boat.
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    Looking for an inflatable boat

    good day to you all. I am looking for a good second hand inflatable boat if someone wants to sell please let me know.
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    good day all. i want to go in to the kite fishing

    good day all. i want to go in to the kite fishing direction but have no idea about the equipment that is used for this fishing stile. i already have 2x 1.85 elbe yellowtale rods (the idea is to use 2 x penn 49 reels with the rods) can anybody tell me if i am in the right direction or is the...
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    found rods

    hi i have found rods lying around if you can identify it and tell me where it was lost you can have it back.
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    iets vreemd

    my vriend was gister by blaau pan en ek het deur lunch tyd gou n draai gemaak. langs hom was n ander visser man gewees wat glad nie eers sy aas in gegooi het nie.die man het sommer sy aas wat vir my gelyk het soos n aartapel kanon in geskiet. wie van julle het al so iets gesien.
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    old willow no7 houseboat experience

    hi i need some info on this. has anybody been at this place its at the vaal river. as i can understand you captain your own houseboat and you cruise the vaal river up and down and do a bit of fishing. 
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    Nooitgedacht da

    good day to all the sealiners does anybody know this dam, fished it and does it deliver. i drove past it this week on my way to Swaziland for work and for what i could see from the road it looked like a good place to spend for a couple of days. for any body that was there is it worth going there.
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    this is for the fisherman that cant afford illumin

    this is for the fisherman that cant afford illuminated swingers but he or she already own swingers that may be modified like i did with mine. what you will need. 2x led lights ( i used blue because my swingers casing is blue)                                 2x audio jacks (i think it is...
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    Carp Live

    guys have a look at this. it just shows you what the fish is doing with your bait while you sit on tha bank and wait for that big reel run.    
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    wireless fish finder

    hey guys  im new to the fish finder seen can somebody tell me if there is any good wireless fish finders on the market with a remote range of 300m +
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    bait boat

    good day gents does anybody on the forum have a bait boat with a fishfinder. i want to know if its worth the money to spend on a fishfinder for a bait boat. and how accurate is the wireless fishfinder.
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    middag manne en dames kan iemand my se of daar groot vis is in baja dam(bronkies) en wat werk daar. ek was daar gewees laas naweek en het twee runs gehad een so 23H00 wat ek verloor het en een so 03H30 wat uit geweeg 2.79kg. ek sien ook baie mense se daar is baie gras in die water maar waar ek...
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    has anybody been to bon accord dam recently and what is it like.
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    shop on the internet

    ive found a shop on the internet just now with the name tackletart   did anybody ever bought from this shop cause i see some of his stuff is not that exspensive and is between 30% to 70% cheaper than the other shops
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    good day to all is there a web sight where you can see what is the record or biggest fish caught at certain dams
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    Nog n mooi vis

    dit lyk my blaau pan se vis is stadig maar verseker besig om reg te kom na die feul spill van so paar jaar gelede. hierdie een was gevang op tiger nut op 280meter.
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    different colors on carp

    it sounds a bit strange but can somebody explain why the colors on carp differ so much here is some examples the first picture is a carp caught at blaau pan and the second picture is at benoni dam now these two dams is not far away from each other but the colors on the carps differ.
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    rietvlei dam

    this one was caught at 12H00 the afternoon. the fish was 5.37kg and the bait was tigernuts (chile 1)