Search results

  1. H

    Quitting Smoking

    I smoked for nearly 30 years, started at school , tried to give up a few times. The longest I lasted was 18 months. 28 years ago I went to a hypnotist. I walked out of there thinking I had been conned. A week later I threw out the the half empty pack of cigarettes in the car that had been lying...
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    Not sure about this advice but back in the 80's I was told by a reel repair and serviceman that you could mix your own Penn grease. Use ordinary marine grease and add 3-in-one oil until you get the right consistency. I never had a problem, that I know of anyway, using it back then.
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    DO-IT Molds South Africa

    Hi Ben. I tried to send a PM but not sure how. My cell number is 0832321391
  4. H

    DO-IT Molds South Africa

    Hi Ben. No it is an egg shaped sinker with a hole through the middle like an elongated or flattened round running sinker. I use them with paddle tails when they are rigged weedless. Regards Roy
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    DO-IT Molds South Africa

    Hi Ben. I am looking for egg shaped sinker molds from 1/4 ounce to 1.5 ounce if you have and would like to sell them please let me know.
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    Poseidon HMG 36T 3,5m Ultra Light Spinning Rod

    I am looking for a tip section for a Poseidon HMG 36T 3.5m 3 piece Ultra Light Spinning rod that anyone is willing to sell. I am happy to buy a tip section that is broken if that is all that is available.
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    Thanks a million DJP. I really appreciate your feedback. I'll be down there for for just over 2 weeks in September so hopefully will get to fish at least on a few occasions.
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    T Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like the wrong time of the year and no need for any of the heavier spinning rods. I'll probably bring a 6 wgt fly rod and one other very light spinning rod. Just as a matter of interest, would small repalas be a better bet than paddle tails or top water lures?
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    I am coming down to Wilderness (Ebb&Flow Caravan Park) in September. My primary focus is any type of lure fishing. I have spinning rods from light to heavy as well as flyfishing rods. I would like some advice on what rods and lures to pack and hopefully some ideas about species and spots in the...
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    Otter Trail

    No fishing is allowed on that section of the coast, or there wasn't when I did the Otter Trail a few years ago
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    Fish Hoek to Glencairn

    Thanks Griffin. Which in your opinion is better, a spoon or plug?
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    Fish Hoek to Glencairn

    Thanks Doc. Appreciate you info
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    Fish Hoek to Glencairn

    I am going to be staying in Fish Hoek in January and wondering if it is worth bringing a spinning rod with me and what could I target between Fish Hoek and Glencairn. Thanks in advance.
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    Rock and Surf Newbie - Advice needed

    If and when you are using lures, spoons or plugs change all the treble hooks to singles, you will loose a lot less to the rocks and if you start using paddle tails especially in the Bluff area or other rocky areas, rig them weedless. Any of the tackle shops will be able to help you with that...
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    13 foot carp rod

    I am looking for a 13 foot carp rod to remake as a spinning rod. If anyone had one that they are willing to sell please contact me. Thanks in advance
  16. H

    Looking for Poseidon spinning rod

    I have not been able to find a tip section so now looking for anyone who has a Poseidon HMG 36T 3.5m 3 piece Ultra Light Spinning rod and is willing or wanting to sell it.
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    Looking for a tip section

    I am looking for the tip section for my Poseidon Ultra Light 3,5m spinning rod which broke the other day. If anyone has one lying around could you please let me know. Thanks in advance
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    Fishing on the Southern Transkei Coast

    I am really keen to get down to the lower Transkei Coast (Mazeppa - Kei Mouth) I have never fished down there and would like some advice on when is the best time of the year and which areas to fish. My main interests are lure fishing and scratching. Not really interested in fishing for...
  19. H

    Lure Fishing in Cape Town

    I am going to be in Cape Town in mid September this year and was wondering if it is worth bring spinning rods with me. It seems that mid summer is the only worthwhile time for lure fishing in CT. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
  20. H

    Lengthening a Poseidon Ultra Light Spinning Rod

    I have a Poseidon HMG 36T Ultra Light Spinning 3 piece rod (3,5m) I have been looking at the rod and was wondering of I could add 12 to 18 inches to the butt section and move the reel seat down. The reason would be to hopefully increase the distance on my casting with the extra length. Most of...