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    FG knot

    This might have been done on youtube before but here's my version of the FG knot
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    Spinning reel bearing service
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    DIY dingle dangle
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    Double hook scratch trace
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    Come join us for another epic season!

    Here is our promo video for the 2019/2020 season
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    Struisbaai fishing trip

    Here is a quick video I made on a recent Struisbaai trip. cheers
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    Cederberg fly fishing trip
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    Cederberg fly fishing trip
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    Quik and easy dingle dangle
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    Cederberg fly fishing
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    Struisbaai 17/02/2018 Vinnige video van ons laaste comp vir die seisoen
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    Henties Baai 2017

    Ek het skoon vergeet om my video van laas jaar se vinnige 1 week trippie op te laai!
  13. B!videos/sihaf Apparently!videos/sihaf Apparently they will be comming to SA sometime soon.
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    Henties trip 2016

    Oraait so dit is weer daai tyd van die jaar. Ons het sopas in die pad geval. Ons ry met twee voertuie: die hilux en die ranger. ( die hilux het net daiwa en die ranger net shimano) ok dit was maar net 'n grap. Ek,Stiaan, Nico en Danie is in die hilux en Faheem, Ebrahim en Ebrahim is in die...
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    Pm me please

    Pm me please
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    Shimano trinidad 30A shark reel

    I need some advice please? I want to use my trini 30 as a shark reel and would like some advice on which braid and how much I should put on it?
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    Chokka price

    What is the going rate for good quality jigged chokka in Cape Town?
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    Spinning outfit in great condition

    R4000 brand new. R3000 postage excluded It belongs to a friend of mine. PM me for contact details
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    My dream fish

    Saturday morning I woke up and couldn't believe it was almost time to go fish again. Every muscle in my back was stiff after the previous two days walk down the beach totalling +- 20km and the first day in 70km/hour winds. This was our final day at rasspl nationals 2015. We decided to fish the...
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    Can anyone on the forum provide me with some info

    Can anyone on the forum provide me with some info on catching sea lice / mole crab? Is there a size / bag limit ? Are they found in East London area? And perhaps a bait presentation? Thanks;)