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  1. I

    Where/how to get a green card

    Hey guys I would like to attempt catching in a reserve for a change, but its my understanding that you require a greencard to do so. Any idea from the experienced fishing guys out there that can tell me how and where to get these green cards, latest prices etc. Can PM me. Thanks
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    A mooi elf

    A buddy of mine caught this beautifull speciment earlier this week.
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    Location Gordon's Bay

    Can anyone who is familiar with the area between Gordon's bay and Rooi els please recommend a couple of spots. I frequesntly drive around there and everytime i do i get the fishingitties and stop at all the parking spots just to try and see a safe way down. i have tried to go down just after...
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    St. Josephs

    Hi Guys   Can anyone shed some light about St. Josephs. My most recent two outings to False Bay, only delivered two of these measuring almost a meter long. Both gave me a fight. I need to know what the general feeling is whether they're edible or not. I am of Islam faith and i have recently...
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    unknown species

    Hi Guys   I caught these two buggers off the rocks at Monwabisi. They both took me on prawn and i was using two hooks. These two are totally new to me. They are damn pretty. If i had a marine tank at home i would have taken them with me. Can anyone please shed some light on what they are or...
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    Hi Guys When trying to catch Galjoen in the riffs, i always seem to lose my sinker. Any advise on this and how to make the best tackle for it?