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    Ek gaan vir die eerste keer in 6 jaar weer mosselbaai toe. Sal eetvis en haaie probeer vang. Hoe is die visvang op die stadium?
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    Ek gaan vir die eerste keer in 6 jaar weer mosselbaai toe. Sal eetvis en haaie probeer vang. Hoe is die visvang op die stadium?
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    Where is the Platform,St Francis?

    St francis
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    Will bonito work as bait for Jeffreys bay? Or i

    Will bonito work as bait for Jeffreys bay? Or is it better to stick to yellow tail,mackerel,mullet and shark fillets for the big boys?
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    Which species can I target over December? Raggies? Bronzies? Kob? Steenbras? Garrick? Mussclecracker? Thanks!
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    Morning guys Where can I catch crayfish in the jeffreys area? Or where can I buy if it's not possible to cacth?
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    Jeffreys Bay

    I will be going to jeffreys bay december.What species can i target and where will the best place be for raggies this time of year. I know there's a lot of topics on Jeffreys,but I see there's no recent topics. Thanks
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    South Coast Charter

    I have fished on 4 different charters on the South Coast,but never really had success.Either the skipper and deckhand will fish more than their paying clients and never assist or they will they what they want no matter what. I was refered to Tommy from Seahunter who launches from Rocky bay by a...
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    Cost of Renting in Swakopmund

    This is a big maybe,but I might go to site close to Swakopmund in the future.I want to take the wife and kids with if I go,so I will have to rent a 2 bedroom house then. What's the prices like?must be fully furnished and will probably be for a year or two.
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    Something cute Enjoy!
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    Bite me sprat spoons

    I've been looking at purchasing the 18g sprat spoons,blue sardine,pink and red head for my deep sea trip to rocky bay. I want to use these lures to target bonnies or maybe snoek? Has anyone used them and do they work?
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    Elbe tarpon boat rod

    I bought the elbe rod a couple of years ago but never used it. Can I use this rod as a trapstick with sard or livebait? Will it handle a couta or must I rather get somthing else? I only go deap see every now and then so is it worth it to get a new rod?
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    Bait carriers

    Ek wil ook begin vis met sirkelhoeke,ek het n paar jaar terug baitcarriers gekoop Is ek reg as ek se die carriers sal perfek werk vir sirkelhoeke? Het enige iemand dit al gebruik en wat was julle ondervinding? Ek sien henning maak sy eie carriers,so ek neem aan dit sal...
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    I just phoned around to get a price for the big chokka's. I can't believe it's R140/kg.I am going to the South coast in Feb. Any idea where I can get some cheaper chokka for bait?
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    Best lures for Natal Snoek en Bonito

    I want to get some lures to catch Natal snoek and Bonito's with,any ideas on colours,sizes and shapes? Thanks
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    Hulp nodig asseblief.

    Ek gaan einde Feb bietjie Happy Wanderers toe en gaan dan n charter bespreek van af rocky Bay. Die manne troll mos so bietjie and dan vang hulle bottoms. Ek het al voorheen diepsee gevang maar was nog nooit so suksesvol nie. Nou het ek net n paar vrae: 1.Wat se aas is die beste vir bottoms?Ek...
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    Crayfish net

    Where can i buy a crayfish net boskburg? Or in scottburgh?
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    The right way?

    I fished a while ago when one of the anglers who fished about 70m from us hooked into a shark.After a couple of mins this sharks swam through all our lines because this fisherman stayed exactly where he was even though the shark swam about 200m left of the fisherman parallel to the shore. Isn't...
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    Deepsea Charter

    I am going to Happy Wanderers in Feb. I would like to do a deepsea trip,so I will appreciate if anyone can recommend some decent charters. What species can one expect to catch that time of year? Will the gamefish,tuna and couta still be around.I'm still dreaming of catching a couta,dorado or...
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    Question for the pro's

    Can anyone answer this question for me? I enjoy fishing at night when i go on holiday,so i always plan my trips according to the tides. But the question now is will it be better to plan a week trip when it's dark moon or full moon. When will the predatory fish be more active?