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  1. P

    Assassin Amia Rod Break

    Hi guys, so I bought an Assassin Amia 9 foot spinning rod in December and managed to break it on its first outing in Moz. The top 10-odd cm broke off the butt section. It broke on a cast, casting a 1 1/2 ounce bucktail. The rod is rated 1 1/2 ounces, so can't be overloading. Has anyone seen a...
  2. P

    Braid for Stella 10000

    Hi guys,   My dad recently bought himself a Stella 10000 and a Blue Rose H jigging rod. What braid would be best for this setup? It will be used for jigging and casting from the shore.   I suggested 80lb Power Pro. Would 50lb be a better option?   Also, what would be a good rod to buy to...
  3. P


    Hi guys,   I'm going to Paindane for 2 weeks in December with the girlfriend's family. Has anyone done some dropshotting there? What can I expect? Best places to fish? I have 2 Excelers spooled with 6lb and 30lb braid that should cover most scenarios. Any help would be appreciated.  ...
  4. P

    Lake Naverone

    Hi guys,   has anyone been to Lake Naverone? We're heading there middle September and I've heard the dam is huge. Any ideas/tips for this place?   Regards,   Pershond
  5. P

    [size=3][font="Times New Roman"][b]> Boat Launc

    > Boat Launching Procedures  So here it is.  I just bought a new boat and decided to take 'er for the maiden voyage this past weekend. This is my first boat and I wasn't quite sure of the exact Standard Operating Procedures for launching it off a ramp, but I figured it couldn't be too...
  6. P

    My new boat

    Ok now I just need her registered and the floatation done. Any tips/help on doing this?    
  7. P

    Bass boat wanted

    Hi guys,   does anyone know about someone that wants to sell his bass boat? I'm willing to pay about 35k. I have a few in mind, just looking to get some more options.   Any ideas?
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    Hi guys, does any of you know where I can find Awa-shima spinning and baitcasting outfits? I've seen they have pretty awesome looking reels!   Any ideas?
  9. P

    Dropshot Photo's

    I think it would be awesome to see who has caught what on artificials...   Here's my contribution. 
  10. P


    Hi guys. has anyboby fished these dams lately? I've never been there and I want to go this weekend. Which one of the two would you choose? Since Roodeplaat is off limits and I'm tired of fishing Rust de Winter, it would have to be one of these two, or Harties. What do you guys think?
  11. P

    Ok guys, I think a lot of us want to see more phot

    Ok guys, I think a lot of us want to see more photos of bass. So please post any photies, along with a description of how/wher you caught it.    
  12. P

    Mokolo Dam

    Early last month we made our first trip to this absolute gem neer Ellisras. Caught 2 fish of 3,75kg among about 200 others. Anyways, decided to take one of my friends Johan to this dam (or I couldn't say no when he asked me to go!). Arrived on Friday morning, pitched camp and launched the boat...
  13. P

    Spearfishing for bass

    So, went to Roodeplaat dam yesterday and met a guy who spearfishes for bass and carp. I almost fell on my back when I heard what they do! He shot 2 HUGE carp, no bass. But he said they usually shoot about 30-40 bass in an afternoon session. And he goes there every wednesday and friday! He said...
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    Hi guys, has anyone fished Buffelspoort in the

    Hi guys, has anyone fished Buffelspoort in the last week or 2? I want to go there on Wednesday since Roodeplaat is closed for boats.
  15. P

    Hi there, has anyone fished Roodeplaat recently

    Hi there, has anyone fished Roodeplaat recently? I'm going there on saturday, just wondering what the fishing is like. Usually at this time of the year you have great sight fishing there!
  16. P

    Mokolo Dam 5-7 September

    This dam is awesome! Arrived at about 8:30 on Friday, set up camp and went exploring this huge dam. Within 90 minutes, after probably 20 dinks, I caught my PB at the dam wall. 3.75kg whoa!! Fishing was hectic, but mostly small fish came out. Probably caught 100 or so on Friday. Saturday was much...
  17. P

    Mokolo Dam

    Hi there,   has anyone fished Mokolo Dam recently (last year or so)? I want to organize a trip there the weekend of the 6th September and don't know anything about the dam! But I've heard og BIG fish caught there... Any help?
  18. P

    Dropshotting in Sardine Run

    Hi guys, has anyone done some dropshotting in the sardine run? I'm heading down to Durbs on Friday, so any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  19. P

    First fish on new rig

    Caught this beauty at Umdloti last Saturday (12/04/2008). Tried about 10 minutes and off she went!! 1st fish on my new outfit, awesome!