Search results

  1. H

    Sea Water Temperature: Garden Route

    Hi guys the water has been very cold the past two weekends at Witsand/ Infanta. Anyone close to the coast mind sharing the temp at the moment? I hear it is still on the cold side.
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    Casting Gloves

    I've recently started to enjoy the salt water spinning facet, especially casting spoons from the rocks. Obviously an casting glove is needed to avoid injury from the braid. The casting gloves I have used so far don't last long at all, holes start to appear within an month or two of use. What...
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    Sandluise Probleem

    Hallo, Party aande as ek deurnag visvang maak die sandluise 'n oorlas van hulself. Duisende krioel oral rond, en jy kan skaars lê dan is hulle in jou hare en ore, en hulle byt ook. Is daar enige oplossing?
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    Neap Tide Fishing

    Hi, I always dread fishing on the neap tide, but as it occurs twice a month, sometimes one has no choice. I have read that certain spots work better on a neap tide, but haven't experienced this myself. What type of spot do you guys target during Neap tides? Deep water from rocks, shallow bays...
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    Making Bait at Night

    Hello, quick question, is it legal to make bait at night? Specifically: Collecting octopus and crabs from shore, and pumping prawn and worm from an estuary? General consensus seems to be it's illegal, some sites claim it's illegal (, but I don't see...
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    Seat Covers

    Hi, I'm looking to get seat covers for my Subaru Forester. Looking for something durable and long lasting, to protect my seats from all the sand and salt water. Escape Gear seems to be the general recommendation, but I don't want to spend R4000 on front seat covers only. Any recommendations for...
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    Changing Seasons, Changing Tactics

    Hello, Well we're almost in mid April already, unbelievably, and one can clearly feel the days becoming shorter and nights becoming cooler. Summer is slowly changing to winter, and the fishing changes with it. Here in the Western Cape, we had an great summer catching all the species that...
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    Best Fishing Food

    Hi, I'm looking for some ideas for food to take with when you're going to be on the beach or rocks for long periods of time. Anyone have any recipes for food that just works well to take on a fishing excursion? *Should not go off to fast when not kept cold. *Doesn't take too much space in the...
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    Breede River Boundaries

    Hi, The marine recreational activity brochure states: "Regulations pertaining to the estuary of the Breede River that lies between the longitudes E20°31′000 and E20°51′000 as the western and eastern boundaries respectively." Where is this boundaries exactly? Does anyone have a map...
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    Fishing for Grunter (Circle Hooks)

    Hi Everyone, I've been fishing for grunter lately in the Breede, and although I have had some success, I still struggle most of the time. I do get a "run" most times I fish for them, but very often the fish spits the hook without getting a hookup. Questions: 1) When using circles, should you...
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    Catch and Release at Club Competitions

    What is the best way to implement catch and release at comps, especially where weigh officials is not an option, and where members can fish on their own? How does one avoid dishonesty and mistrust? Are standard weight conversion charts used to determine points at the end of the day? Where...
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    Prawn Pump Maintenance

    What basic maintenance should be done on a stainless steel prawn pump? Is rinsing with water enough, or should it be sprayed with Spanjaard Oilie as well? Is it better to store is with the handle extended? _seal1_
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    Swart Mossel Resepte

    Ek het Saterdag by Infanta gaan hengel, maar net een ou Kolstertjie gevang wat weer vrygelaat is. Ek het wel 'n paar mooi swart mossels uitgehaal sodat ek darem nogsteeds seekos vir aandete kon geniet. Ek het al die mossels in water gekook (nadat ek hulle skoon gemaak het) totdat hulle oop...
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    Fishing Hiking Trail

    I'm looking for a hiking trail somewhere in the Western Cape, East of Cape Town, where one can stop and fish along the way. Preferably a two day hike (one night) where you can sleep in a bungalow or hut. Does anyone know if there is somewhere where this would be possible?
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    Spanjaard Oil on Braid

    Hi, After fishing I always rinse my reels, let it dry, and spray it with Spanjaard Olie thereafter. I spray the oil quite liberally, and don't mind it getting on the braid. Will the oil damage or affect the braid in any way? Also wondering if it damages mono? _seal1_
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    Visserboot By Blombos

    Hallo, Ek en my broer het die naweek 'n vissersboot baie naby die kus gesien by Blombos. Ons was verbaas die boot kom so naby aan die kant. Die boot het 'n merker in die water gelaat (met flikkerdende lig), daarna weg gegaan vir 'n paar uur, waarna hulle terug gekeer het na die merkeren dit...
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    Ultimate Gallie Multi Rod

    HI, My summer fishing has been going from bad to worse, so I am starting to think of the galjoen season while I'm sitting at the water waiting for the never appearing kob. I was using a carp rod for the gallies last season, but this season I want to change back to multiplier, but this time...
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    Diawa BG6000 Rod Pairing

    Hi, I'm looking to buy a grinder setup to target summer species in the Western Cape. Want to use the setup to throw live mullet from the beach on a sliding trace for kob, as well as fishing for steenbras and other larger summer species. Casting distance would be an important aspect for my...
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    Old Model Daiwa BG30 Spinning Reel

    I've read the old model BG's are workhorses and very durable. But it looks like it's mostly used by kayak fisherman. Would it be suited for surf fishing with braid?
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    Bekostigbare Hengel Bestemmings

    Hallo, Ek dink daaraan om 'n vakansie êrens in volgende jaar (2018) te reël. Ek is nog heeltemal in die begin stadiums van die beplanning en oorweeg nog bestemmings op die oomblik. Ek sal graag 'n plek wil vind wat hengelaars en nie-hengelaars sal gelukkig hou (van die mense wat dalk wil...