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  1. F

    Skippers licence

    Hi guys My grand parents have relocated to Yzerfontein from Hentiesbay in Namibia. I tried shore fishing there and almost cried myself to sleep when comparing to Henties and Torra bay. I have been out on Katalina(charter boat) twice, catching snoek and yellow tail at Dassen island. I was...
  2. F

    Newbie skipper

    Hi Guys My grandparents recently moveed down to Yzerfontein. Coming from Henties' great rock and surf fishing to Yzie was quite horrible if I have to say so myself. Then I went out on a cherter and my whole view of the area changed. I went out with Catalina and the fishing was amazing. From...
  3. F

    Skippers License

    Hi Guys My grandparents recently moveed down to Yzerfontein. Coming from Henties' great rock and surf fishing to Yzie was quite horrible if I have to say so myself. Then I went out on a cherter and my whole view of the area changed. I went out with Catalina and the fishing was amazing. From...
  4. F

    Private Charter needed

    Hi Guys Me and my two brothers are down in Yzerfontein for a while and would love to do an off shore fishing trip. The prices that they charge here are crazy and we are still at school and I am currently a Student. We are thus looking to tag along with somebody aleady going ou for the day and...
  5. F

    Yzerfontein Langebaan

    Hi All I have just arrived in Yzerfontein today and don't know anything about the area... I am looking for someone with knowledge about the area to learn from or can someone please just give me a few tips? You can PM me if you like and I will give you my mobile # so that we can meet. Thanks...
  6. F

    Kyk wat gebeur met `n swak leader knoop

    Hi almal Eerstens, enige goeie voorstelle vir `n leader knoop op .45 mm lyn na leader. Julle ken daardie gevoel van amper vis tyd! Ek was nounet na `n rugbyveld toe hier naby my,m twee gooie en sit ek met die gemors! Gelukkig nou en nie teen die vis waters nie... Hoop jul kan darm biekie...
  7. F

    Dropshot gear

    Hi Guys Being a student and all I finally did it to my wallet and bought myself some dropshot gear! Luckily I already had a small koffie meel so only bought the rod, a 9 foot Shimano rod, I am stoked!! Then from what I have read I knew that braid is the way to go, R500 for 300meters...
  8. F

    Yzerfontein Langebaan

    Just found out that I am going to Yzerfontein as well on my holiday, I have no idea of that area and hoping that you guys cane help.. Wil be doing mostly rock and surf as the people I am visiting do not own a boat. Thanks Philip
  9. F

    Newbie to Struisbaai

    Hi All I am a new member to Sealine, been reading non stop! I have been going to Namibia ever since I can remember as the Grandparents lived down there. They have now moved down to Struisbaai... I have been there once before but a fishing day at the 12 mile bank (I think) cost me R 900 .. I...
  10. F

    Fishing buddy / Charter needed

    Hi All I am a new member to Sealine, been reading non stop! I have been going to Namibia ever since I can remember as the Grandparents lived down there. They have now moved down to Struisbaai... I have been there once before but a fishing day at the 12 mile bank (I think) cost me R 900 .. I...