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  1. B

    Stella 6000PG for popping and casting metals

    I know the PG is not made for popping nor casting metals. The difference in retrieve (CM) between the PG and HG is approximately 20cm. Don't really want to spend money buying a HG reel the same size for popping. Save to say I can still use the PG but just have to work a little harder in...
  2. B

    Howdy all, Been traditionally sliding with a Be

    Howdy all, Been traditionally sliding with a Beachmaster OH with Torium 30 running 50lb braid/150m 50lb mono topshot and 150lb wind on leader. Recently purchased a Beachmaster Spin and planning on pairing it with Gosa 20000 or 25000. Looking at sliding with this setup as well. Just looking...
  3. B

    Fin-nor Ahab 30 - Please advise

    Recently inherited an Ahab 30 from the old man.  Can't find anything on the internet regarding specifications or schematics. It's an old reel that went out of production in 2000. If anyone can shed some light it'd be really appreciated.