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  1. R


    Whatsup guys . Gheez been a long while . Took a break from all fishing for a while due to some unforseen reasons but getting back into it now . So much has changed , not even to mention the freaking prices of rods and reels :? So i just popped in to say hallo , hope everyone is doing great and...
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    Mpofu dam delivers

    Hi guys The Mpofu dam is situated in the EC. 40km from Jeffreysbay between Humansdorp and Oysterbay . Traded my R&S day for this again 2yrs ago. this is what we caught Sunday. a Few carp and a surprise blue kurper. Guess my wife won the day
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    na 2 dekades

    na 20jaar het ek weer bietjie n dam besoek. en om na so lank weer te begin hengel is nogal n aanpassing. als het amper verander , behalwe die dips ;) Kom ons kyk maar of ek hier ook so paar vissies kan wys
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    target aquired

    Hi gents Finally the holiday season is over and i can get some water time again after working almost 14hrs a day . This victory was sweet . Set out this morning just before & and pumped some prawn . Head out and met up with some friends . They already got stuck in garrick , rags and smooth...
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    Hi   I would like to hear from guys using this rod ?   Pro's & Con's ?
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    Purglas exec 400/3

    I have a Purglas executive 400/3 , customised for grinder use , that i would like to swop for either a 300/3 or 350/3 Bare in mind im from jeffreysbay and its an one piece fuji fnog eyes (think 24-12) flip up guide fuji real seat cork grip customised by Theo Herbst all components basically...
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    purglas 350/2

    hi gents what should a good 2nd hand price be on above mentioned rod ?
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    2pb's and a stiff body

    Gents , copy and paste going here : Ek en n vriend het n goeie dag se sessie ingesit by paradise beach . n ent se loop en baie onfiks . daar gekom net so voor 12. van ons eerste gooie af wat dit byte. gooi vir gooi . vir die eerste keer is ek sonder aas huistoe behalwe vir die rooi aas wat ek...
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    Blue marlin mid section

    Hi im looking for a mid section for my 13ft truflex. Tired of waiting its the : truflex light  G/390 STL
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    Ecooda hornet 20000

    Gents , i saw this reel at commercial for R1700 (and know i read somewhere about them) Any one using ? Opinion on the reel ? And how would it pair with my 400/3 loaded with 50lb braid for eds    High strength aluminium body and side plateComputer balanced aluminium rotor[/*]Double backup...
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    Kitefisher /3

    You should remember this !! Kani dood reborn I'll post the pics here Almost done converted for grinder cork grip flip guide trigger all black binding !! eyes one size bigger than original (dono what it was) Done by Theo Herbst
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    Redbait / rooi aas

    went thru my bait freezer ,:?:?:? gosh 6 sealed packets redeyes :shock: 5 mackerels :shock: 6 tubes chokka :shock: 2 sealed packets mussels :shock: 2 occie legs :shock: more or less 2 boxes pillies :shock: 2 500g tubs red bait :?:?:?  Now i know the other bait will be useless , but how about...
  13. R

    so it starts

    Sup gents. Die pup master het maar weer die lus en tyd gekry vir die water. My 400/3 is besig met sy facelift en nou skaf ek maar weer aan. Die gaan my "blue fish" killers wees
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    new setup

    Hi guys. Long time . Trust all is good. Im back , looking for a 13ft setup (grinder or multi) to scratch around with . Im not very familiar with all the new gear these days that i might need some help here. Hopefully i can post a pic again soon Regards Roland
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    New old rod

    Dagse se kerels. so my baba is in die shop vir n revamp . jip , die purglas 400/3 wat ek op die einste plek as geskenk gekry het!! nuwe fiju's met n flip kurk split en n wax n polish wou trigger winch gedoen het maar die size vir daai stok is blykbaar skaars als pikswart , geen flashes...
  16. R


    howzit guys jisterday its been ages . missed u lot . wats new ? or is everything still the same . havent been at the water with a line in in almost a year and a half , sleg , i know , and this from "your favorite noob" haha. went for a cast session yesterday after work , and flip i cant cast...
  17. R

    pc building

    Hi gents I was given our old IBM server , loaded win7 on it , excellent home pc but for anything else useless. I want to use its hardware to build up a "new" pc. I have : Intel xeon 2.13ghz quadcore cpu 2gb ram ddr2 (4x 512) Geforce gts250 1gb graphics card 2x 250gb hdd 2x 450w power...
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    Hey guys . jisterday, its been ages since my last senseless post . anyways , just thought i pas by and let all know "lil Eon will pop into the world Oct 2nd . this has been the longest 9mnths of my live waiting for my lightie. will load a pic of my bulletjie soon soon keep well gents ::S
  19. R


    Looking @ R500 for it. Post excl. Most my tackle gone and invested the monies towards new baby gear :) Good cond with normal saltist cosmetic wear Regards 29592EEB 084 318 4578
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    Any one thinking of going that way sunday ? St francis point that is