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  1. H

    Drivers licence found swartvlei

    Morning all. I picked up a womans drivers licence on the train tracks at swartvlei. pm me a name if you know of anyone who lost their licence.
  2. H

    How do I locate sharks on a beach?

    Good afternoon all. I'm looking for some tips on finding sharks on a given stretch of beach, not off the bricks. Do you look for deep water or rips going out or sandbanks? I don't have much trouble getting hold of spotties or smooth hounds as they seem to be just about everywhere I would fish...
  3. H

    dog found: black and white staffy x found at voelklip herolds bay

    Afternoon all. Im new in this area and went to go check out voelklip ( should rather be called death trap lol). While I was there I came across a black ( really dark brindle) and white staffy x dog that was running around the rocks and all the way to the bottom and back up again. Anyway, when I...
  4. H

    Rod for Saragosa sw8000?

    Good Afternoon all, me again:) Ok, so i got the saragosa sw8000, or should i rather say a TANK:? This is one seriously solid reel and i really cant wait to get into a good fish with this. The reel is a bit bigger then i anticipated and has some weight to it but its all good. So now i want...
  5. H

    Ok, so ill be moving down to george soon (end

    Ok, so ill be moving down to george soon (end october), ive been to george lots and tried my hand at some shark fishing but had no real luck. Almost drowned my wife to be and myself there once(gerickes point):hyst: Though was not as funny at that time. Anyhow,  I had a shimano torium 30, but...
  6. H

    First attempt at dropshot

    Evening All. This was my first attempt at dropshot fishing, last dec holidays,  the ray ( i was told its a Duckbill Stingray) was caught at garricks point close to sedge. I was fishing a small 4-5 inch pearl like plastic with a jig like hook ( the name for these elude me now). I had been fishing...
  7. H

    Screw eyes for bass lures

    Good Morning all. I recently got a sudden urge to make my own lures, this being due to the fact that i couldnt get hold of Captain kens designer frogs. So i carved something that looked like one of those frogs, then ended up making some poppers and cranks too. At the moment they are all still...