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    Flamingo 216

    its kind of Sad actually, this seems to happen in the boat clubs as well, kids are simply not interested in these hobbies anymore.
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    Flamingo 216

    thank you, I see not much is happening here, its kinda sad though
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    Flamingo 216

    Howzit, I have bought a Flamingo 216 as an upgrade on my Baronet 17ft Wanted to ask how the Flamingo is to live with, boat will be delivered Thursday and I can no longer wait. How do they go with a single 150hp on the back? cannot really find too much information on these?
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    I think I buggered up - harbor entry and exit

    What are the requirements for a boat to enter and leave Durban Harbor? What categories are allowed to enter and exit via the Channel? Information on this is not easy to find. Yes I will ask the Club safety officer, but wanted other input in the meantime. The reason I'm asking is that I have just...
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    Some Skelm okes out there

    so this whole situation was a F up and I ended up losing money, I never took the engine back to that mechanic, as my little 60hp engine turned out to run perfecty for my boat, yes its a little slow to get on the plane, but it does eventually get there
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    Baronet outfitting

    Hello, so almost 2 years since my last post about my boat and I have decided to upgrade to a much larger Cabin, am looking at the Flamingo 216, seems to be a complete different class. but I do find the little 17ft a little cramped with the 4 of us onboard, we do lots of night fishing in the...
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    Some Skelm okes out there

    So..........   Normally I always do all my own work to cars, outboards etc that way if it craps out its my own doing, and yes there have been a few expensive mistakes over the years.   Now when I bought my Baronet with the seized motor I thought oh what the hell, I have a running motor...
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    Seaport Supply Durban Closed for good

    Howzit Guys, So Today I take a drive to Seaport Supply in Durban to get a few odds and ends that I need to carry on with my boat Refurb So I walk into the door and have a chat with Nick only to find out today was thier Last day. This Covid and lockdown has taken its toll. :(
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    Skeg replacement

    Howzit guys, does anyone know where I can get a new skeg welded to my yammy lower end? I should get my engine block back in a week or two, so was checking out the lower unit and why the skeg guard was bulging so much..... Well I removed the skeg guard with a screw driver and not much force seems...
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    Baronet outfitting

    Howzit Guys,   I'm in the process of cleaning out and refitting my boat, I bought a 17ft Baronet which needs a little work   I have so far pulled off the 75Hp Yammy that has 0 compression in the bottom cylinder and fitted a 60Hp Johnson I have.   have raised the motor to line up with...
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    baronet cabin outboard height

    Howzit Guys, So today I yanked off the 75HP and installed the Johnson the yammy was also mounted as low as it can go and the cavitation plate is below the bottom edge of the transom should I mount the outboard a little higher? which would mean drilling new holes in the transom as the original...
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    correct pitch for 17ft baronet with 60hp johnson

    Howzit,   I have recently just bought another boat a little 17ft Baronet, the boat seems structurally fine and has buoyancy that is valid for a few years.   However the current early 1980s 75A Yamaha is poked, has zero compression on the bottom cylinder. I bought it like this knowing the...
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    Single Kill switch Dual Outboard

    Howzit, I'm trying to figure out how to wire my kill switch into the circut to kill both engines as the thought of having two lanyards doesn't make sense to me On the OMC Johnsons the Black and Yellow wire will go to ground Black, to kill or ground the Ignition So I'm thinking of placing a ...
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    Anyone used these before

    Howzit Guys, I've just ordered 2 of these units off Banggood, I've ordered from them before and don't have problems buying from them. but what I am interested in has...
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    Long Term rebuild on my New (OLD) Duck

    I bought a bigger Rubber Duck after upgrading from my 4.2m Gemini. I sold the Gemini but kept my motor and Controls as I had already paid a deposit on 2 more Johnsons of the same year. The boat is a Aquarius 5.5m Cat hull Rubber Duck, the Hull is in need of some TLC but I only paid R10k with...
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    Mounting Outboard

    Howzit Guys I have finally received my Johnson's so I can officially start the rebuilds on the Boat and motors, I've made peace that the boat will only be ready by December this year. I just have a silly question to ask the mounting holes in the transom at the moment are no where near the...
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    What paint DIY refurb on my hull

    Hi Guys, I have finally fetched my baby and now its time to start the Refurb. I have been searching around the net to try find out what paint to use on my Fiberglass hull. Basically there are plenty options and cheap 2K vs Expensive Gel coat Epoxy etc. I know in an ideal world Gel is the way...
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    4.2m Gemini Semi Rigid Rubber Duck for sale

    Howzit Guys, I have bought a new boat and need to urgently make space for the new one hence the reason to sell off my old Duck. I have a 4.2m Semi Rigid Gemini Rubber duck with console steering and trailer The boat has a buoyancy certificate thats vailid till 2021 but the pontoons are a bit...
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    Fuel consumption average for a 2stroke from the 80's

    I've now found 2 engines for the boat I'm buying they are the max HP rating for the boat. the boat is a 5.5m Catamaran Inflatable that weighs in at 350KG I will be running 2 x Johnson 60hp early 80's 2 cylinder 2 strokes What kind of fuel consumption will I be looking at? I have a feeling...
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    Identify this boat manufacturer?

    Howzit Guys I'm trying to get more information on a Rubber duck that I'm buying but I cannot seem to figure out who made them and there is no manufacturer plate on the transom? Any information would be welcome.