Search results

  1. S

    Richards Bay June / July

    Dear All, I am a keen freshwater LTB angler but love to take my boat into the BIG DAM every now and then. I am thinking of a trip to RichardsBay in June / July but is not 100% sure on fish we could probably target during the winter months there. Can anyone please share what we could expect and...
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    Novice seeking some jigging & popping tips PLEASE

    I am a real novice when in comes to jigging (and popping) as I do not often get the opportunity to put my boat into salt water. We will be fishing the RichardsBay Bonanza in April and want to use some of the time to try and get a fish on vrtical jigging. I only have a very standard colour...
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    16.6ft Invader Cat C/C - BARGAIN

    2x50HP '92 Yammies (Auto Lube) in good condition and servised Fish Finder (Lowrance - Colour) Canopy Heavy Duty Trailer plus spare wheel Boyancy certificate COF - not renewed for 2013 yet Boat in good condition and can just go on water Reduced to ONLY R69,900   Contact: Christo 082 903 3082
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    16ft Invader Cat Centre Cosol

    I currently have 2 Invaders and want to get rid of the Centre Consol one. 2x50HP Yammies in good condition and servised Fish Finder (Lowrance) Canopy Heavy Duty Trailer plus spare wheel (licence just o be renewed) Boyancy certificate COF - not renewed for 2013 yet Boat in good condition...
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    Invader 16.6ft for sale

    Invader 16.6ft Centre Consol with 2 x 50HP Yamaha's. Electric start, Autolube and in 100% running condition. COF till Dec 2012. Boyancy certificate. Registered galvanised break neck tralier (heavy duty) with spare wheel. Lowrance Fish finder (colour). Boat canopy and Stainless steel roll bars...
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    "Klopping" for Barbel

    Probably a stupid question but can 2 people on one boat "klop" at the same time or will it scare the barbel instead of calling them?
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    Wawielpark Vaal River - Orkney

    Good day all. I am going to Wawielpark on the Vaal river just outside Orkney and have never fished this strech of the river before. (I'll be taking my boat) Any advise / tips from any one in terms of spots (waypoints), baits etc? Will one still get muddies in this part of the river as it seems...