Search results

  1. G

    Wanted ....Power cable

    Hi guys...struggling to find a power cable for a Garmin Striker 4 Sounder/GPS.....please whattsap 0823933473 thanks.
  2. G


    Sorry not tackle related ,,just trying to get to as many peeps as possible.I'm looking for a power cable for a Garmin Striker 4...(4's power and data) whattsapp 0823933473 thanks.
  3. G

    Power Cable

    Hi...does anyone have a Garmin Striker 4 power cable to sell?
  4. G

    Transducer wanted

    Hi again Griffin please get in touch regarding the cables.Many thanks 0823933473
  5. G

    private messaging

    Hi ...nothing to do with message access but could you perhaps help...I was in contact with 'griffin 365' regarding a couple of Garmin cables.Seems to have gone off the radar.Could you give me his e mail address....if not then perhaps you could pass on mine to him so he may contact me that...
  6. G

    Transducer wanted

    I have friends in Harbour View, they can collect for me.
  7. G

    Transducer wanted

    Hi....yes i'm certainly interested.I'm in Port Alfred.Can I call you?
  8. G

    Transducer wanted

    Hi all, i'm looking for a transducer for a Garmin Striker 4 .....transom mount.Please e mail or whattsap 0823933473.thanks
  9. G

    Jetty Wanted

    I'm looking for a small jetty to purchase in Port St Francis harbour. whatssap 0823933473 thanks.
  10. G

    Yamaha 30

    imported post
  11. G

    Mauritius accomodation

    Hi there, my wife and I are off to Mauritius late January for 10 days or so.We are looking for  reasonably priced self catering accomodation....just us two adults...doesn't have to be luxurious but not bottom of the line either.Can anyone recommend somewhere?Will have a hire car so can go...
  12. G

    Trailer wanted for 16ft Butt Cat

    Hi guys..i'm looking for a decent trailer for my 16ft butt a decent price...preferably one that can be licensed legally.....I am in the Eastern Cape but could make a plan if it's further afield. thanks      
  13. G

    Working Sinker

    Hi there,    I mainly do bottom fishing and decided to make my sinker 'usefull' and do some work....I will try and post a few pics..poor quality but that's the cellphone...get a length of stainless tube from the scrapyard..I used 15 mm/ half inch.Hammer one end so it closes..even better just...
  14. G

    Eagle Ultranav Cable

    Hi..can anyone help? i have a damaged sensor/power cable on my old's an Eagle Ultranav 2.the unit works fine..just need a new/or replacement cable that joins the GPS receiver to the GPS unit ..does anyone out there have one??^^..^^..^^..  
  15. G

    Oil mix in fuel?

    just wanted to ask if anyone can confirm that you can use normal engine oil (not two stroke) in your fuel mix to lubricate the motor...I have been told it works just as well and quarter the price of two stroke.If true then its a real money saver!!!!
  16. G


    I go to sea alone fairly often on my 16 ft skiboat.. for short fishing trips.Is there any gazetted regulation that says this is not allowed?Jet ski's are out there and other smaller craft...and with only one motor...I have two.Surely common sense says that my craft is safer.I take xtra...
  17. G

      Hi Guys, i'm looking for a 2nd hand 29 m

      Hi Guys, i'm looking for a 2nd hand 29 meg handheld radio.Eastern Cape area but will be in Natal this week 26/29 January. thanx
  18. G

    Eagle Ultranav 2

    I have just got an old least 8 yrs or so.Works fine but will not hold data after switching off and on again.I presume the 'memory' battery is finished but would rather ask for any info before I open it up.thanks