Search results

  1. B

    Mariner 3.3

    3m dinghy as well as 36lbs Motorguide (tiller) included. Edit: The "Mariner" decals I made myself.
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    "Fun on Light Tackle"

    Ek het seker drie dae gedink voordat ek post... Baie posts verwys "mense" na "dit is fun op light tackle". WTF. Fun vir jou of fun vir die vis. Moenie die vis laat ly nie; veral indien jy hom nie gaan eet nie. En, nee, ek is nie deel van Grienpies, Seeskaapwagters, etc. Miskien was my Pa...
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    Intex SeaHawk 400

    Oars, pump, seat cushions and motor mount included. However, it has an air leak somewhere. Here it is at day 1... ... and this is day 7.
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    "Length" of a semi-ridged.

    Is it determined by the length of the rigid hull or the total length, pontoon included? I have one for sale but I need to know whether to advertise it as a 3,5m (hull length) or 4,5m; overall length.:?
  5. B

    I have a pair of these for sale. There's just not

    I have a pair of these for sale. There's just not enough space for them on my "new" (collision replacement) bull bar.  R1700.  
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    VHF for sale

    I have one of these; new, unused and still in box. Was $324 + VAT + shipping. Will accept R3500. Brochure is here:
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    I bought this as a “project” in 2007. My Dad,

    I bought this as a “project” in 2007. My Dad, at that stage, was still up and about but since then he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, as well as (being a smoker all his adult life) suffering from emphysema. He is 83 now and bed-ridden. Our idea was to convert this to an “overnighter”...
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    Issue solved. ^^..
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    This lamp post decided that it had enough. The own

    This lamp post decided that it had enough. The owner (Leon) of the Take Aways, called Bellvile Municipality that day to report it. The reply was that the electrical department can take up to six weeks to respond..... EDIT: Description line should read: Since 09 02 2010 19 February  
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    Peculiar aircraft

    I saw these two grey aircraft @ CT Airport this morning. No windows (except for the cockpit....LOL) as well as no markings/ID visible from the "look-out deck". Anybody has any idea what/who these are? Pic quality is not that great as I only had the mobile on me.
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    Macassar earlier today

    Pic taken @ 09:30; sunshine .......
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    Blackfin@ Maccassar

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    Where is it? Is there someone with a *.kmz position? Or (accurate) directions (from Die Dam's side) maybe? Or WGS84 coords?...:fbash..LOL Cheers  
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    I took these pics in 1975 at an Ack-Ack practice session. The spot then was known as "The Gunnery". The top pic is of my "caravan", so to speak. If the white spots is visible on the scanned (middle) pic; that's 35mm tracers. On the bottom pic a Dac has the drogue (red) behind it. Not much more...
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    Volvo P18

    A few months ago there was a pic taken in someone's workshop and there was a Volvo P18 (or two) in the background. I can, faintly, remember the Volvo being discussed. Well, my neighbour (sort of) was unloading his project earlier today....
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    How's Whacky's prank  
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    Accident in parking lot

    I had to meet the Ol' Lady and the daughter at Tyger Valley Centre last night. I saw this Honda, with it's hazard lights on, stuck in the road and parked in a space quite near to it. Usually I won't bother to check what's up with it. The port front wheel, however, was at an acute (and unusual...
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    The secret's out

    ......and not Hawaii, Kenia, etc. as we're led to believe. Cheers
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    Captain and Sidekick's chairs for sale

    R2000 the pair. Cheers
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    Last week (04/08/ 08) this Steentjie was the unfor

    Last week (04/08/ 08) this Steentjie was the unfortunate victim of a Mustad 2/0 hook @ Knysna. Are these Sea lice? Cheers