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    Fishing in Santa Maria Mozambique

    So after two days of no fish here I have come back for questions. We are staying on the mouth in hells gate. I have a few questions for the next week we still have here. Firstly around the mouth to the open sea I am unsure of what to throw and on google earth it looks like theres a fringing...
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    Fishing in Santa Maria Mozambique

    Oh sorry I got my locations wrong we are staying at Cabo beach villas which is not on the incaha side of hells gate. Is this better?
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    Fishing in Santa Maria Mozambique

    Thank you for the replies. Did some research and sounds like drop shot fishing is quite effective? I dont know the mozambiquean coast well so I dont really know what to look out for and where to fish. Any hints?
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    Fishing in Santa Maria Mozambique

    Probably mostly artificials but thats why I am asking as well because if it is worth the effort I will try and get some bait. I would preferably target edibles and game(I heard there are trevally which would definitely be the prize fish). But wont be targeting sharks and rays etc.
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    Fishing in Santa Maria Mozambique

    Good afternoon I am going to Mozambique this June and I want to start preparing what I am taking with. I am mainly going to be fishing from the Incha side. Want fish can I expect that time of the year and what should I take with. Any help would be appreciated
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    Trouble at Betties bay

    Where do you cast at Dawids kraal? Or do just cast far out?
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    Trouble at Betties bay

    Caught a bunch of smaller white steenbras and a wildeperd over three days. All caught at grannys beach/ blougat.
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    Infanta fishing report

    2023/12/1 Seven of us went through to infanta for a fishing weekend. The first group of three went earlier and went fishing for only about an hour and a half about 500m inward from the mouth. They caught one +-60cm grunter and a few smaller white steenbras and stumpnose on mud prawn. The next...
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    Trouble at Betties bay

    I am back in Betties now for December and I am ready to fish. I would just like to catch fish so I am not too picky on what species. I would like to know what fish I am mostly likely able to catch so that I can target it and do research on how to catch it in this time of year and weather...
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    Trouble at Betties bay

    Thanks but I am heading home now. Hopefully I have better luck next time.
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    Trouble at Betties bay

    Update I went fishing again today and caught a pretty big skaamhaai but nothing else. Does anyone know of any rock and shaw fishing charters in the betties area?
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    Trouble at Betties bay

    Good evening everyone I am in Bettys bay at the moment and I am struggling to pull up anything other then a klipfish. I have been fishing with chokka and white mussel at the island and I think its called blougat. I have been fishing for three days now in the evenings but I am having no luck. I...
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    Bettys Bay fishing

    Thank you I will check it out
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    Bettys Bay fishing

    Good evening everyone I have been going to bettysbay for about 8 years of my life but have never really tried proper fishing as my dad always said the Penguins eat everything and it is pointless to even try😂 But I have been reading people say that there is decent fishing so I thought this would...