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    ORI Tagging Kits

    Anyone know the latest price for an ORI starter tagging kit?
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    What has happened to he Elf arrival in the Western Cape:shock: Catches are few and far between.
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    GALJOEN 2018

    Brag, Wys,Trophy Fish etc Account officially opened yesterday. Swimming to fight another day.
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    Waft Pirate surf for sale

    I have the above for sale. In excellent condition. No scrathes or scuff marks. Used twice and landed a 59cm kobbie. 13ft 4-7oz Medium. Older model 2016. Includes Triangular original carry case and pvc bag. Regards Ben
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    Open Sesameeee

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    Rod extention

    Any1 know who does rod butt extentions in Southern Surbs preferably a screw on extention. I need a butt extention done for a 12ft L&F shockwave 2-4oz rod to assist with spinning from shore. This my Winter Gallie reef rigg which I wanna use more effeciently for spinning option as well. Thx in...
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    Bevid 'judo' Hansen

    Veels geluk liewe maatjie, omdat jy verjaar....Bla bla bla jy ken die res. Geniet jou born day vandag..T rendy
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    Latex Cotton Holder

    Clip to cooler handle or water bucket..
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    Fish ID

    Looks like a baby snoek or baracudda like. Nice beeeg shoal against the wall. Are they any good as bait?
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    Sardine Bait crisis in Cape Town

    With so many stockist out of bait(sards). Where does one find the good stuff. btw the white box with the green writing on is not a good bait.(not even the crabs wants to bite on it)
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    THROW NET 6ft 3SALE R450.00

    No TEARS + carry box Well looked after.
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    A Beeg Birthday wish for a small man

    Heppy heppy S/S   :::slbcake:::prty:
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    Lions on their way to Newlands

    Rugby Tyd
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    Ok here goes.. I'm venturing into fishing KoB on lure(Spoon) from the beach. In my arsenal so far.. L&M 12ft 3-4oz Some Iron candy lures (45-85gr) Pink,Green and silver and blue and white.   Here's where I need advice..I need a grinder light enuff to cast 2-3hrs which will be braid...
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    Joe night in False Bay

    Dit lyk net lekker. Batteries charged, Aas reg en vars... Laat waai kwaggas
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    FOKUS MENSE, FOKUS! 1. Doen so bietjie moeite met jou aankoop van jou vleis. 'n Braai is 'n ernstige ding, benader dus jou aankope ook so. In die ou dae was jou slagter amper familie. Jy het hom immers meer gesien as jou dokter. Deesdae is dinge soveel makliker en onpersoonlik. Rakke het...
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    PHOSPHUR in the waves in False Bay

    This awesome event is taking place in False Bay currently. Not a fish in the surf.. That said, my chokka bait came out untouched after an hour. Dropped it into my water bucket and it lit up to a beautiful blueis/green hue.. Anyone else experienced it be4
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    2014/2015 KOB SEASON

    Let the GAMES begin  
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    ELF(vis) is baaak

    My 1st time in 5 yrs getting Elf in Aug. They here so take the correct traces with you
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    2B or not to BEEE

    This BEE innovative idea is maybe ? 1. To create space inside the toilet? 2. Or so it can be used as an outside basin to wash your hands? 3. Or so designed with the slope of the roof allowing the rain to refill the cistern? 4. Or maybe their building plans were upside...