
Lance R

New member

I would appreciate some advice.
I am currently using Awa Shims mono as my mainline due to its strength and thin diameter for its rating.

I often fish venues with plenty snags and use line between 20 to 24 pound strength. The only issue I have is the current brand I am using has too much memory and I am experiencing twists after only one session. I mainly use my bait boat to drop my lines.

Braid might be the answer but pricey. What would You fellow specimen anglers suggest?



Hi Lance

I take it when you take your line out with your bait boat you have it on the bait runner or just loosen the drag?

That is a big problem you MUST flip over your bail arm.
Remember that every turn of the spool on the bait runner or drag = 1 twist in your line.
Even Braid will get twisted up and wont last.
Remember that there is +- 5 to 9 twists per meter of line being taken out and no swivel will be able to untwist the line over long distance.


Lance R

New member
Hi Tim,

Thanks for the advice. I have not been using a bait boat for long and have relied on casting and feature finding the with a marker float until recently.

An old dog can learn new tricks.

Check that you aren't putting twists into your line when spooling the line on in the first place..Otherwise can you not use your bait boat to take an unrigged line out and reel in removing the twists like guys do on boats?

Lance R

New member
In theory it would work but my reels take up to 800 meters of line depending on the diameter. I would be pushing the range of my bait boat too far.

I think Tim's opinion is correct. I am inexperienced at bait boat angling and should rather disengage the reels bail arm when taking out lines.

Thanks for the input guys.