weekend dive and sinus problem.


Senior Member
ya Reefer well trust me I'd much rather tuck into a case of beer nowadays. All I'm trying to say is that it might be an idea to find what it is you are allergic to (go for the tests), or try eliminating the known culprits. Wheat, yeast, red wine, house dust, pet hair, and dairy products for instance can all be causing this. better to adapt your diet than pop pills. is say no to pills - hate the stuff cos I don't know what's in there.


New member
Hi Reefman

The sudafed is the berries dont get in the water without it. The only problem it can now only be bought on perscription as it apparently contains somthing that is used in the manufacturing of tik. My SINUS are still squeeking , but no pain , however i am starting to think the squeeking is spooking the fish because theyve been scarce lately . lol 



Good stuff. Another tip when diving... stay away from Dairy products, especially milk 24 hours prior to diving... Milk is known to stimulate the production of mucus/phlegm in all mucus membranes, especially sinuses and bronchi/trachea (windpipes). And the BIGGEST one to cause mucus buildup is in....smokers!

Pete PE

New member
Not an issue to be taken lightly really. Ear "infections" can cause Labyrinthitis

Basically means loss of balance. Now if you lose your sense of balance, direction or depth under water, you could be in real trouble very quickly. If diving alone, could be fatal. Don't dive!!! My wife had it a few years ago and spent a few days using the wall to walk along.

As Reefman points out, us smokers are more easily affected by snot. (my kids too):hyst:
