breeding platannas


New member
Hi guys! does anyone know if it is legal to keep and breed platties without permits of any kind? just curious. if anyone knows anything id appreciate the feedback. i know it is sometimes illegal to fish with them though right?


New member
i know in gauteng its illegal to keep indigineous animals and it is applicable to herpetofauna. Platannas fall under herpetorfauna and i would think it is illegal.


New member
ek dink ek het dan verkeerd gelees nou die dag, hoe ek dit verstaan is jy mag hulle he mar jy mag hulle nie broei of verkoop nie. weet iemand iets van dit af???????


New member
KarpKind the law on this seems a little bit unclear. i have contacted sanparks to see if they have any further info for us and then when they get back to me i will let you know but thank you very much anyways.


New member
well sanparks doesnt seem to know and nature conservation wont get back to me so im going to do it. i mean if no one can tell you what is legal and what isnt then come on, its a joke.


New member
I was curious myself about Platties coz the angling shops hardly stock them, if at all, they keep saying it's not allowed & whatnot. Visited the NSPCA website trying for info abt them, but nothing. Seems nobody really knows what the law is, if like you say even the peeps who should be upholding any law regarding them dont know. I've only read comments that it's unlawful to use them as live bait, they need to be killed before being hooked. Judging from the episode about chics on special assignment (or was it 3rg Degree...?), I suppose it's got to do with animal cruelty & treating animals humanely & not inflicting unnecessary cruelty & suffering on them. Rather they be killed by us than suffering first. Makes sense if you think about it.


New member
Agreed, gauteng conservation still hasnt responded. i dont think they know a frog from a toad to be honest so im not going to worry. to be safe it wouldnt be advisable to use breed them for selling, you may be playing with fire then but im going to breed my own.


New member
This should answer your queries:
Prohibited acts with certain live wild animals
43.(1) No person shall keep, possess, sell, donate or receive as a donation or convey a live wild animal referred to in Schedule 5 to this Ordinance, unless he is the holder of a permit which authorizes him to do so.
(2)The Administrator may by notice in the Provincial Gazette amend, substitute or repeal Schedule 5 to this ordinance.
(3) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.

Shedule 5 means any reptile or animal not considered game. Platannas would thus be protected.


New member
Thanks Aj then il play it safe and forget about it. thanks for the info, much appreciated. good fishing guys :)


New member
As jy bang is hulle gan jou kom 'n boete gee lees die storie.

Opad om te gan fly fish net voor die winter begin het ry ek oor wawiel park se brug na my bestemming.  Toe ek op die brug kom tot my verbasing sien ek 3 ouens met jagters pyl en boog op die brug ek stop toe om te kyk wat skiet hulle.  Ek het amper letterlik in my broek gek$K toe ek sien dat hulle besig is om babers te skiet wat onder die brug deur swem ek loop toe mar nader en maak asof ek net wil sien wat hulle doen, toe sien ek in hulle kiepnet 13 barbers doodgeskiet en glo my dis almal bo die 5kg size anders kan die tapids hulle nie raak skiet nie.  Ek was verbaas en het trug in my kar geklim en die kamstige water police gebel om hierdie ouens te kom op ert.  En soos dit in ons wonderlike nuwe Suid-Afrika werk waar onskuldige mense dood geskiet word in hulle motors het ek tot vandag toe nog nie enige iets gehoor nie hulle was nooit eers daar nie toe ek in die middag trug oor die brug ry toe is hulle nogsteeds besig om dit te doen soo hulle het seker toe al baie meer dood geskiet en natuurlik het ek weer gebel en weer net 'n belofte gekry.

Soo dit kom daarop neer dat jy mar kan maak soos jy wil hulle gan nie iets doen, wel miskien gan hulle iets doen hy gan kom platannas leen by jou vir sy volgende barber trip ne. haha