All of a sudden it goes quiet


I realized that when klopping barbel in dams of smaller than 1ha that normally you get the 1st one quite fast and then you won't get another one again. They'll be turning around you and what not, but they just don't wanna take the loodkoppie again.........................................

Is it me or is this normal?

PS, even if you move far away it still happens


ive realized the same thing acctually , have no idea why, maybe the whiskers is just taking the piss, lol

but really i dont know, im sure ryan will argue the point from a senseable aruge



The cape coloureds have a wonderful saying.
"As jy daai vis vrylaat hy gaan vhir al sey tjommies se daai ding is skerp"
This is very much the case - when we fish leauge/comps we will Klop a barbel in a certain spot and move straight out and return late in the afternoon to try again and invaribly we will pick pone up again in the same spot but sit there and you will klop till you are blue in the face........ In the case of a small dam well they clearly pick up the problem very quickly


hahaha threaten em with a dynamite stick, tune him you blow up his whole fandamily if he talks hahaha



When fishing the klopping discipline the cat is caught very close to the boat ,average  sized cats will do most of the fighting around the boat(in very close proximity to),this mmay make the water very turbulent as you'll agree and may even churn up a lot of debris from the bottom .In the case of a flowing river this debris may float away very quickly but in a small body of static water it may take rather long.

I know that cats can hunt in the dark even ,let alone in dirty water but they may be hesitant to "enter" that particular "debris-patch" to even look for food,if they are in a "clearer" patch of water.

As you will agree the above is all guess-work,and contrary to some aforementioned comments I have caught more than one cat on klop in the exact same spot within minutes of one another(dam and river)I really dont have a cut and dry answer to the question but I am merely throwing in another angle.
