barbel from the vaal


blue = cable tie 1

green is cable tie two

and red is the circle hook


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oh ja i was burnt to sh1it got sun stroke today.
anyways if the grassy head is frozen it tends to work better and one should try cruck the gill plates and the head but not the piece of skull running between the eues as thats wat holds it in place


Tap Tap het jou hard geslaan. People joke about my attire regularly.

I wear thin tracksuit pants winter and summer rain or shine, a rugby lycra type tight fitting long sleeve shirt from mr price in white, and then a golf shirt with stiff collar or now my sealine shirt. One big broad rimmed hat. All open areas that might get a sunray, i put on factor 40 sunblock, and then i have the factor 40 aerosol can so i can "refresh" about every 2 hours.

Crayfish are made for eating not for immitating.


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ok ok i look funny, thats not really why i posted this thread but i suppose its a laugh, watch for sun cream its believed that many fish get a smell of it and wont touch the bait or lure you are using


yip correct. Is why only my fingers end up looking like those pink cheap hotdog viennas after a day. If that stuff get's on ur bait u'll have more luck trying to kill the fish with ur sinker.

Ryan, i've decided fishing is not for fashion statements. I might look like a clown when fishing, but tonight when we have a cold one at the pub, and the guy next to me can't get his plakkies on his bright red feet, i'm the one laughing....


I use Factor 40 Sunblock - saying that sunblock is a factor that contributes to the lack of catching fish is bollocks - I use sunblock everyday I go out on the water and I have yet to have a problem using it.

Alchol based Sunblock might be a problem such as tropitone but lets be realistic at R200 for 40 ml are you going to use tropitone or R110 for 750ml water babies.........

You want to glow in the dark and have skin cancer before you are 50 don't cover up/don't use Sunblock - I have no sympathy.

MArthin I agree with you when wearing long attire but on the dams I regularliy visit it is too hot - 3 weeks ago I fished with Marno at Roodekoppies I took a digital thermometer with at 8 am it was 39 deg C in the shade on the boat and in the SUn 52 - ain't gonna catch me sweating in long pants shirts etc.

BTW even with all that sunblock I fish in Plakkies too hot to stand on the deck barefoot - ask marno - I use the water proof stuff put it on at 5am and am good to go the whole day - often even goof from the boat in the midday -does not wash off.......


Ryan try the "max" lycra type rugby thingies they sell at mr price. I've got the white one and it's really not that hot. I haven't fished in 39C but i've done one or 2 30ties at the Vaal, and it's got ventilation where u need it, and also if u sweat underneath it and there's a slight breeze it's excellent.

Also more important than the skin is the eyes. Not only does good sunglasses help to see structure and fish even from the shore at the sea, i'd go so far as to say rather burn urself crayfish than not wear sunglasses.

From lazy teenage days spent at the river and sea i've got damage to the start of my optical nerve in my left eye, direct result of glare from water according to the eye guy. Result is i got about 50% in my left than my right.

Factor 40 for everything exposed and definately an investment to get good specs for the eyes.


Yah MArthin thanks I have always worn Eyeware - even in the workplace - I value my sight and my skin.
Sadly "White" is not a colour that you will see any good artlure fishermen use - it scares fish and you ain't gonna catch me in 30+ in anything long.


must be why it took me forever to get that bass to take the lure... my long seekat white arms didnt help...


Senior Member
Well why do you guys think they wear long dresses in the desert??Its because, they sweat and then the wind blows through the clothes and that cools them off...
For those pink hands you can use sungloves.
Lots of guys laugh at me when i wear my buffs, but it helps.
Ive had sunstroke and it aint no ones friend.
So i wear a long sleeve shirt with collar, buffs face protection, sungloves, sunglasses and a nice round hat!!

this is a pic of the sungloves and the buff, i pulled it down for the pic...i know i look like a clown!!::jest


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